The Online Lenders Alliance submitted a response to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection's Request for Information Regarding the Bureau's Adopted Regulations and New Rule…
OLA Provides Comments to Treasury Department in Advance of Fintech Report As a follow up to a meeting with Senior Treasury Department staff regarding an…
The Online Lenders Alliance wrote a letter to Speaker Ryan and Minority Leader Pelosi to express support for H.R. 3299, the Protecting Consumers' Access to…
Today, Online Lenders Alliance President and CEO, Lisa McGreevy, sent a letter to CFPB Acting Director Mulvaney, thanking him for his leadership during this time…
OLA expressed its support of Senate Bill 297 by sending a letter to Senator Dodd, Chair of the Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee. OLA represents…
In response to a Request for Information (RFI) by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding Consumer Access to Financial Records, OLA filed Comments with…
The Online Lenders Alliance drafted a letter to the Federal Trade Commission that lays out OLA’s Best Practices for Lead Generation, the advantage for consumers of the…