Uncategorized Examination Procedures for Debt Collection 201210 cfpb debt collection examination procedures PDFAdministrationOctober 29, 2012
Uncategorized Final Debt Collection Rule October 2012-The CFPB has released a final rule defining larger participants for the debt collection market. The CFPB will have supervisory authority over any firm…AdministrationOctober 29, 2012
Uncategorized Debt Collection Fact Sheet 201210 cfpb debt collection factsheet PDFAdministrationOctober 29, 2012
Uncategorized OLA Comment Letter: Supervision of Risks Supervision of Risks to Consumers-685672 PDFAdministrationOctober 15, 2012
Uncategorized OLA Comment Letter: Consumer Complaint Disclosure Consumer complaint disclosure PDFAdministrationOctober 15, 2012
Uncategorized Proposed Rule on Short-term Lending in Wisconsin Statement of ScopeAdministrationSeptember 17, 2012
Uncategorized Scope of Proposed Rule on Short-term Lending in WI Proposed Order of the WI Dept of Financial InstitutionsAdministrationSeptember 17, 2012
Uncategorized FDIC Unbanked and Underbanked Executive Summary 2012 unbankedreport execsumm PDFAdministrationSeptember 17, 2012
Uncategorized 2012 FDIC Unbanked and Underbanked Report 2011 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked HouseholdsAdministrationSeptember 17, 2012