Statement of Online Lenders Alliance on the California Supreme Court ruling in the CashCall Case: "Yesterday the California Supreme Court confirmed there is no bright…
OLA Statement on Treasury Recommendations for Nonbank Financials, Fintech and Innovation and OCC Announcement on Acceptance of National Bank Charter for Fintech WASHINGTON, DC –…
The Online Lenders Alliance submitted a response to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection's Request for Information Regarding the Bureau's Adopted Regulations and New Rule…
WASHINGTON, DC, June 18, 2018 – Following President Donald J. Trump’s nomination of Kathy Kraninger to lead the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP), the…
Fintech Industry’s Largest Association for Online Lending Names Mary Jackson as New CEO WASHINGTON, DC, June 11, 2018 – The Online Lenders Alliance (OLA) today…
OLA Provides Comments to Treasury Department in Advance of Fintech Report As a follow up to a meeting with Senior Treasury Department staff regarding an…
OLA Says CFPB Should Transform Project Catalyst Into Innovation Hub With Real Safe Harbor Lisa McGreevy, President and CEO of OLA Pens Op-ed for American Banker In…
On February 15, OLA attended an industry roundtable, alongside 25 other trade associations, hosted by CFPB Acting Director Mulvaney. OLA has sent a follow-up letter…