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Federal Policy PressPress Release

OLA Praises Creation of Internet of Things Congressional Caucus

By January 13, 2015May 22nd, 2024No Comments

Posted by: Kristen Tyagi

January 13, 2015 (Washington, D.C.) — The Online Lenders Alliance (OLA), today praised the creation of the Congressional Caucus on the Internet of Things Caucus by Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Susan DelBene (D-WA).

 “As leaders of innovation in online lending, OLA applauds Reps. Issa, DelBene, and their colleagues for their leadership and focus on how policy can encourage innovation and the development of new technologies.”


The Online Lenders Alliance is a professional trade organization representing the growing industry of companies offering consumers small, short-term loans online. OLA member companies abide by a list of Best Practices and Code of Conduct to ensure that customers are fully informed and fairly treated.