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Federal Policy PressPress Release


By January 10, 2017May 9th, 2024No Comments

WASHINGTON, January 9th 2017 – Recently, The FTC filed a Complaint against Joel Tucker in federal court in Kansas. In commenting on the action Lisa McGreevy President and CEO of the Online lenders Alliance stated:

“The members of the Online Lenders Alliance are committed to ensuring customers have fair, transparent access to the credit they need to fulfill their financial obligations. These leaders in the industry work hard to ensure that online customers receive the best possible customer experience. The charges are serious and the defendants will have their day in court, but these types of deceptive and unfair practices have no place in our industry. OLA has a history of working with the FTC to bring to light any bad actors, and we applaud this action by the FTC to continue its efforts to protect consumers from truly harmful practices.”